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Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

November 08, 2015 01:44PM
Chapter 11

Charles Bingley was exceedingly frustrated. He desperately wanted to see his angel again. The only way to do that was to go downstairs, as she would not be allowed in his room until they were married. He was finding the crutches rather difficult though. He persevered and with Louisa and Hurst's help was indeed able to make it down the stairs to dinner the next day. Everyone was pleased to see him and he rather enjoyed the fussing. He was introduced to the Earl and the Viscount and found them to be interesting men with plenty to speak about.

He noticed Caroline was doing her best to be pleasant to Darcy's family. Now that she'd pointed it out he did see some of the ladies giving her looks of disapproval. Like her, he could not account for it, as she had not done anything to deserve it that he could see. He did notice that she was treating the Viscount in the same way that she usually treated Darcy -- proof that she was not throwing herself at Darcy and treated him as she would any friend -- and that she was almost cold to Darcy -- obviously in response to the admonishments of Louisa.

The angelic Miss Bennet had smiled brightly at him and said how pleased she was to see him up and about. They were not seated near each other, but he had a clear view of her face as she spoke quietly with her friends. He was rather jealous of Colonel Brandon, who had her undivided attention and was telling her what appeared to be an extremely engrossing story. She had asked him how he had been wounded in the war. She rather thought he was downplaying the danger he had been in, but as he was now retired she did not feel the need to question it. He was safe now. The Viscount, seated near them, was interested in what the Colonel had to say, though his attention was continually drawn away by Caroline, who felt the need to address all her comments to him, completely ignoring Mr Gardiner on her other side. That gentleman felt rather sorry for the Viscount and did his best to divert Caroline's attention, and was amused by her single-mindedness.

Louisa, at the other end of the table blushed continually for Caroline, but knew better than to shout down the table at her. She felt slightly better after the Earl patted her hand and told her not to worry, "You have not met my sister, Mrs Hurst, and I hope for your sake you are lucky enough that you never do. We cannot help our relations and once they're grown up we have to let them make their own mistakes." She agreed, but she still tried to have a quiet word with Caroline once the ladies retired to the drawing room. She was, of course, ignored and told to mind her own business.

Caroline had determined that, as the Countess was clearly threatened by her, the way to ingratiate herself was to impress the older woman with her deference. Caroline was sure that she would soon be Lady Matlock's favourite, as none of the other ladies treated her with the respect she deserved. Why, Mrs Gardiner treated her as if they were equal, despite the fact that she was nothing but a tradesman's wife. As annoying as she considered the girl, Lady Matlock was also able to derive amusement from her single-mindedness and could not help but think of how well her antics would be appreciated by Lady Catherine. She supposed that she would need to go to Rosings when the time came. Poor Anne would need the support.

A moment later she resolved never to think of Lady Catherine again, as she stormed into the drawing room with Anne and Mrs Jenkinson trailing in her wake.

"Helena! What is this scandalous rumour that you think I've gone daft?"

"I do not know, Catherine. I have not heard such a rumour. Shall I introduce you to Georgiana's guests?"

Lady Catherine looked around the room imperiously and sniffed. "Certainly not. I have no desire to encourage her association with impoverished gentry and tradespeople. I demand to see Henry at once! You will put it about that this rumour is a scandalous falsehood and finalise the arrangements for Anne and Darcy's marriage."

She was met with stony silence. Georgiana was the one to break it. "Perhaps, Aunt Helena, we should take Lady Catherine and Anne to my brother's study. Mrs Jenkinson will be quite comfortable here with the ladies."

Lady Matlock agreed that it was a good idea and the four of them left. A footman was sent to summon the gentlemen to the confrontation.

"I really don't think the entire family need be here for this," Lady Catherine began.

"But I do," her brother said. "What brings you to Pemberley?"

"There's a ridiculous rumour in town that you think I've gone senile. You will write to your friends and set them straight."

"Is that all?"

"No. It is high time Anne and Darcy's marriage was finalised. I've brought the settlements. Once he's signed them we may begin the wedding plans. I've obtained a special licence as well."

Darcy laughed and the others soon joined him. Anne merely looked confused, but Lady Catherine reddened alarmingly. "This is not a laughing matter!" she expostulated, but stopped when her brother held up his hand.

"Lady Catherine, as you were once my sister, I will inform you of what is happening. First, Darcy will not be marrying Anne. He is his own master and may marry where he chooses. Even if I had any say in the matter, I would not use it to force such a marriage."

"Nonsense. This marriage has been planned since they were children."

"No, it hasn't. And even if it had, he is not bound by it. This is one of the reasons we've undertaken to have you declared mentally incompetent."

"What?" There is nothing wrong with me!"

"If there weren't you would not persist in this nonsensical fantasy. If there were nothing wrong with you, you would never have paid Wickham to ruin Georgiana, all to forward your desire to control Pemberley."

She paled dramatically. "That is a vicious lie! I would never do such a thing! How can you believe that ingrate over your own sister?"

"I don't."

"Then why would you say such a thing?"

"Because George Wickham is dead. We have the letters you wrote to him."

She glared angrily at her brother,

"Come now, Lady Catherine," Richard said happily. "Aren't you going to explain how the letters were fabricated? I'm sure one as mentally stable as you claim to be would have thought of how to explain this all away in advance."

She turned her head to glare at him. "I suppose you expect Rosings out of all this. You think my Anne will be forced to marry you, but I will never allow her to shackle herself to someone as penniless as you!"

"You are mistaken there. Not only have I recently come into an inheritance, I have another woman in mind for my wife."

She was utterly enraged and moved to attack Richard. Darcy and the Viscount restrained her, while the Earl summoned the butler.

"Mr Moore, Lady Catherine is in need of restraining. I'm afraid she's lost what little grip on reality she had left. Her maid is welcome to tend her, but ensure there are always two footmen at hand in case she becomes violent."

Lady Catherine was manhandled upstairs, screaming imprecations all the way. The guests in the drawing room were drawn out by the racket. Only Miss Bingley was concerned.

"How dare they lay hands on Mr Darcy's aunt! He must be informed at once!"

The other ladies were incredulous, as she strode over to the gentleman's study. Without knocking she flung the door wide open and went in.

"Mr Darcy! You must come and reprimand your men at once! They dared to lay hands on your aunt's person!"

The General sniggered as Darcy regarded her wearily. "I told them to, Miss Bingley. And I'll thank you to keep your nose out of my family's business."

"If only we could lock you up as well, Miss Bingley," Richard said. "It would make this visit a great deal more pleasant."

Caroline was irate to see both Darcy and the Viscount smirking at her. She turned on her heel and returned to the drawing room, where she was met with knowing grins that only served to upset her further. Her only ally, her brother, had retired immediately after dinner to rest his leg.

In the study, Lady Matlock went to sit beside Anne and took hold of her hands. "I'm sorry you had to witness that, Anne, but you are a part of this family and so we felt it best you were here."

"Do I really not have to marry Darcy?"

"I fully intend to marry someone else entirely, Anne, so there is no danger of that."

"Thank you."

"Now, Anne, you are the legal owner and mistress of Rosings. With your mother out of the way you will be able to take your proper place."

"Are you sure? Will she not return?"

Darcy snorted. "If I have to lock her in an attic for the rest of her life, she will not be able to importune us any longer."

Anne seemed relieved at this.

"There is certainly no need to make any decisions now, Anne," her aunt told her. "For now, I think you're in need of a rest. Tomorrow you can enjoy yourself with the other ladies and we'll deal with things as they come."

Georgiana took Anne to the drawing room, introduced her to the ladies, and then escorted she and Mrs Jenkinson upstairs where they could rest.

Unlike Caroline, Anne came to breakfast with the rest of the party and so was taken under their wing. She remembered Miss Elizabeth, and had enjoyed listening to her conversations at Rosings. The one she was having with Darcy was over books she'd never read, though, so she found it rather hard to follow. Miss Marianne tried to discuss music with her, but she knew nothing of it and left it to Georgiana. Miss Dashwood and Miss Bennet were the ladies she ended up speaking the most to. They made every effort to include her in the conversation, asking her opinions on the matters they were discussing.

After breakfast they asked her to join them in the rose garden, if she felt up to it. Elinor planned to draw some roses and Jane was going to read to her. Anne very much wanted to join them and said so. They matched their pace to hers without complaint, though she could tell they usually walked faster. It was a warm, sunny day, but the heat was not oppressive. Anne felt a sense of glorious freedom. Her mother would never have allowed her to walk so far, and certainly not to sit in the sun for any length of time -- what if her skin browned? She watched Miss Dashwood's drawing with interest and some jealousy. She had always wanted to draw -- she even remembered having a few lessons as a child -- but her mother had declared her constitution unfit for it, and stopped her. Miss Bennet was reading Scott's Waverley and she enjoyed the sound of her voice as the story washed over her.

Most of the gentlemen had gone riding after breakfast. They all rode over to Kympton to see how things were progressing after the fire. Only Darcy stayed, however. The Earl and Viscount had letters to write to the lawyers, explaining the latest matters concerning Lady Catherine. The military men had women to woo, and fully intended to get down to business. They were happy to join the ladies in the rose garden and Colonel Brandon offered to read, if Miss Bennet was tired. Knowing how men hated to be idle and thinking that the Colonel read particularly well with his particularly lovely voice, she was quick to hand the book over and took up her work.

She had asked Elinor to sketch a scene on the fabric and was slowly bringing it to life in silk threads. Anne was fascinated by this. Her mother had never allowed her to touch a needle and thread, fearing infection and death if she should prick herself, and she envied Miss Bennet's deftness. Most of the General's attention was on Elinor, but he noticed the wistful way that Anne watched the other ladies. When the Colonel came to the end of a chapter, he asked her if she'd like to learn either skill.

"I should like to learn both, if possible. Mother would never allow me."

"Of course you wish to learn, I don't know why we did not think of it ourselves," Elinor said.

"Which would you like to start with?" Jane asked. "I'm sure I have a sampler in my basket, and I know Elinor has paper and pencils."

"I do, but I have brought only one board, unfortunately. I'm sure, however, your cousin would be happy to retrieve another from the house."

Despite having had a few drawing lessons when young, Anne thought that perhaps embroidery would be easier. Sewing was a far more widespread occupation than drawing, after all. Having made her choice, Jane set about teaching her the basics. She found it both easier and more difficult than she had expected.

When the party went in for tea they found Miss Bingley installed in the drawing room.

"Why, Miss de Bourgh, I thought you would be resting or with your mother. If I'd known you weren't I would have come to see you."

"That's very kind of you, Miss Bingley, but I enjoyed my time in the rose garden very much."

"I'm pleased to hear it. I do hope, however, that you won't allow the ladies to exhaust you with their outdoor expeditions. They seem to believe that everyone is a robust country girl."

"Don't worry yourself, Miss Bingley," the General said. "I was there to keep an eye on my cousin."

"Were you? I thought all the gentlemen had ridden over to that burnt village."

"Oh, we did. There was plenty of time for us to do both after breakfast."

Anne did go to rest after tea, and was pleased when Georgiana asked if she and Miss Marianne could join her to read together. Miss Bingley remained in the drawing room as Lady Matlock had come in with the other married ladies. She wished to continue her campaign of winning the Countess over, but found it rather difficult as they insisted on discussing what could be done for the Kympton villagers. Caroline did not see the point -- if those people suffered it was obviously their own fault.

Chapter 12

Elinor and Jane had removed to the conservatory where Elinor continued to instruct her friend in the art of drawing. They were soon joined by Mr Bingley. He seemed rather nervous, which surprised them. After dancing around the matter for a few moments, he eventually managed to ask for a private audience with Miss Bennet. The lady looked at him in surprise and Miss Dashwood with disbelief.

"Whatever for? I cannot imagine anyhting you would wish to discuss that Elinor may not hear."

"Perhaps he brings an apology from his sister."

"An apology from Caroline? Whatever for?"

"Not that then," Elinor said. "Though, really, she should do it in person."

"I quite agree."

"But what should she apologise for?"

"Do you really not know, Mr Bingley?" Jane asked.

He said he didn't, so Elinor undertook to enlighten him.

"Oh, I'm sure there's some misunderstanding here. Perhaps if Miss Dashwood will consent to leave us we can work things out to everyone's satisfaction."

Jane sighed and looked at her, "I suppose you might as well, Elinor."

"I shall not go far. I shall be at the pelargoniums."

Once she had removed herself, Mr Bingley turned to Jane. "I had thought my attentions too marked for you to mistake my meaning, but you are so modest."

"Your attentions were very marked, Mr Bingley, but it has been long since I thought there was any meaning behind them."

"Oh but there is! You must know I love you and wish to marry you."

"Do you?"

"Indeed I do! Will you have me?"

"I'm very sorry to cause you pain, Mr Bingley, but no, I will not marry you."

"But ... I love you!"

"So you say. I have seen no evidence of it."

"But I singled you out in Hertfordshire," he started.

"And then you left, without a word. Giving no thought to my feelings or reputation. You allowed your sister to dictate your behaviour. Do you think I would wish to marry someone so thoughtless? So weak?"

"But, I love you."

"Perhaps you do, Mr Bingley. You know your own feelings best. The fact remains, however, that you are not the sort of man I wish to marry."

"I'm not?"


"But, I love you."

"I'm sorry, Mr Bingley. If you will excuse me, I have nothing further to say on the matter."

"But ... I love you," he murmured as he watched her make her way over to Miss Dashwood. He sat there quietly for some time, wondering where it had all gone wrong, before he pulled himself together and made his way back to his room. He sent his apologies to Darcy, and remained abovestairs while the rest were at dinner. Shortly after that, Louisa came up to see what was wrong.

"Is it your leg, Charles? Should I send for the doctor?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. My leg is fine."

"Then why did you not come to dinner?"

"I proposed to Miss Bennet this morning," he said mournfully.

"Oh Charles," she sat beside him and hugged him to her. "What did she say?"

"That it didn't matter that I love her, I'm not the sort of man she wishes to marry."

"Did she tell you why?"

"She said I was thoughtless and weak."

"I see."

"Do you agree with her?"

"Well, I would call you carefree, rather than thoughtless. You're only twenty-five, Charles, still quite young. You have not been weighed down by responsibility in the way that Mr Darcy has, so it's only natural for you to be less aware of such things."

"So you do agree."

"You dislike conflict and confrontation, Charles. Sometimes this leads you to be silent when you should speak."

"And that makes me thoughtless and weak."

"It makes you appear thoughtless to those who suffer from your conflict avoidance."

"So you do not think I am weak?"

"I think it should not be surprising that people believe you to be so, when they see how you allow your younger sister to dictate your actions."

"That's almost exactly what Jane, Miss Bennet, said. That I allow Caroline to tell me what to do with my life. Do I really?"

"Caroline knows how to manipulate you into doing what she wants. She takes advantage of your desire to distance yourself from arguments and unpleasantness. And she will continue to do so until you put a stop to it. Which will be very difficult."

"What do I do, Louisa?"

"Well, if you wish to marry a woman like Miss Bennet, you have to be the sort of man that women like her would wish to marry. Try to see things as they really are."

"Would you, please will you ask Darcy to come up and see me this evening?"

"Of course I will. Get some rest, Charles."

It was not very much later that Darcy came to see him.

"Mrs Hurst said you wished to see me, Bingley. Is everything alright?"

"No, nothing is right."

"What can I do to assist you?"

"I doubt there is anything you can do, though I should like your advice all the same." He then poured out a rather jumbled account of his proposal to Jane and what various people had said about Caroline.

"I know how hard it is to have the woman you love tell you that you are not the sort of man she wishes to marry."

"You do?"

"Indeed I do. When I was at Rosings for Easter, Miss Elizabeth was visiting Mrs Collins. I proposed and was summarily rejected."

"She refused you?"

"And rightfully so. If any man behaved towards Georgiana the way that I behaved towards Miss Elizabeth, I would not allow him within a hundred feet of her!"

"You do not seem broken-hearted. And Miss Elizabeth is here at Pemberley."

"Yes. I took her reproofs to heart and am attempting to be worthy of her."

"You must love her a great deal."

"I do. I cannot imagine a life without her."

"Caroline will be disappointed."

Darcy made no response to that and Bingley was far more interested in speaking about Jane to notice.

"Do you think I could change for Miss Bennet?"

"Only you can answer that, Bingley. You know the faults she finds, do you think you can alter them?"

"Well, I certainly don't mean to be thoughtless, you know."

"No one ever does."

"How do I become more thoughtful?"

"It's very difficult, but you have to examine all that you say and do constantly and try to imagine the effect it will have on those around you."

"I do not know that I can do that, but I will certainly try."

"It's a process, a long-term change. It will not happen immediately and you will have to keep at it for years before it becomes habitual."

"And the other matter?"

"Do you really need my advice there?"

"I do. I don't understand how people can misunderstand my sister so."

"I do not understand why you think that they are the ones who misunderstand her rather than you."

"So you agree with them?"

"Bingley, she separated you from Miss Bennet. You knew your honour was engaged, and yet you allowed Miss Bingley to convince you to behave contrary to what you knew was right."

"She said Miss Bennet was indifferent to me, clearly she has been proved correct."

"Did Miss Bennet say that she did not care for you?"

"Not in so many words."

"Miss Elizabeth told me that she did care for you, that she had been disappointed by your leaving Netherfield. Indeed she blamed both myself and your sisters for the separation."

"So she cares for me, but does not wish to marry me."

"Bingley, you do realise the implications of marriage for women, do you not? She will be completely in your control. It doesn't matter how much she loves you, if she cannot trust that you will care for her and any children before anyone else then she should not marry you."

"But I have never loved anyone as I love her."

"Your feelings are irrelevant."

"What? How can they be?"

"It is easy to say that you love someone. It's so easy that fortune hunters and other social parasites lie about that sort of thing constantly. You say you love her, and yet you allowed Miss Bingley to separate you, even though you knew your honour was engaged. From her perspective it must appear that your sister and her desires come first."

"I had not thought of how it must appear to her. I only want my sister to be happy. And she will no doubt marry soon, so surely that should not be a long-term consideration."

"And who do you think will marry her? She is not even being courted."

Bingley blushed.

"Furthermore," Darcy continued, "you may want her happiness, but does she return the sentiment?"

"Of course she does!"

"Are you basing that assessment on her words or her actions?"

"She has confided in me!"

"She has lied to you on multiple occasions. She has shown that her words are untrustworthy. You need to ignore what she says and look at what she does. Her behaviour strongly suggests that she wishes to marry into the first circles by whatever means necessary and you are merely a pawn in her schemes."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do. Take a few days to watch her behaviour, rather than seeing what you want to see. Listen to the way she speaks to others, listen to what she's trying to achieve, rather than the words she uses."

Bingley agreed to do so. Darcy had a point after all. If everyone was saying the same thing then there was probably some truth to it.

Chapter 13

The next day Bingley was rather subdued, but spent the day amongst them all. He tried to watch his sister's behaviour critically, as Darcy had suggested to him. It was not easy. He caught himself making excuses for her all day. The only ladies she made any effort to spend time with were Lady Matlock, Miss Darcy, and Miss de Bourgh. He noticed that she tried to direct the conversation to topics she wished to discuss, rather than what was of interest to the other ladies. He heard Lady Matlock comment on her disrespect in adhering to town hours, he heard Miss de Bourgh liken her to Lady Catherine -- which Caroline took as a compliment, but Bingley could not given what Darcy had said of that aunt. He heard her trying to show herself as superior to the other ladies by putting them down.

He watched the way she behaved with the gentlemen and he paid attention to how they responded to her. It dawned on him that the gentlemen would not choose to associate themselves with her, and only did so when they were forced to notice her. The General treated her with derision and none of the others defended her. They seemed to agree with him and found humour in his remarks. He watched her single out both Darcy and the Viscount, how overt and unwelcome her advances were, and how carefully calculated everything she did was. He also noticed that while everyone else spoke to him and asked after his health -- even Miss Bennet! -- his sister ignored him unless she wanted something from him. As far as Caroline was concerned he might as well not be there.

He did not notice that he was being watched.

The following morning he went into Caroline's room as soon as he was dressed and woke her up.

"Charles? What are you doing in here?"

"I've come to escort you to breakfast. Lady Matlock is perfectly correct that your behaviour is extremely rude and disrespectful."

"My behaviour? Nonsense! She has old-fashioned notions. No one else objects."

"No one else objects for the simple reason that they do not wish for more of your company."

"Charles! How can you say such a thing?"

"Because I've watched them, as I have you. As Darcy says, it is very easy to say things, it is your actions that show who you truly are."

"There is nothing wrong with my behaviour!"

"There is a great deal wrong with it. My eyes have been opened, Caroline. I will no longer listen to your pretty words. I will pay attention only to what you do. And you will learn to behave properly. I expect this will be a long and difficult path for us both, but it's important."

"Don't you love me, Charles?"

"I do, very much. That's why I wish to see you become the woman I have always believed you to be. I expect you at breakfast every day for the rest of your stay. I have instructed your maid to that effect and she will be reporting to me."

"She is my maid."

"And I pay her wages. She is in my employ, despite the fact that she is assigned to assist you. Now, up you get."

He left his sister and her maid alone, making his way to breakfast. He did not know what to do if she defied him. He would have to ask Darcy's advice on that matter. And he clearly owed Louisa and Hurst an apology. They had tried to show him, but he'd allowed Caroline to sway his opinion.

Caroline did appear at breakfast, though she arrived late and even the fashionably challenged could tell she was extremely over dressed. Miss de Bourgh made another comment likening Miss Bingley to her mother, which greatly amused the wider audience. The atmosphere was strained by Caroline's petulant attitude and the party was quick to split up afterwards. Bingley felt that he had achieved something and so decided to leave Caroline to her own devices for the moment. Darcy was with his steward, preparing for the upcoming harvest, so he took the opportunity to speak with his brother and sister.

"I must apologise for not believing you."

"There's no need for that, Charles. Your eyes have now been opened. I only hope that you can have some effect."

"I've told her to be at breakfast every day while we're here. Eloise will be reporting to me if Caroline should actually be indisposed."

"I'm sure that didn't please her!"

"No, Hurst, she was quite put out. But, as I told her, I pay Eloise's wages, so have the final say in her duties."

"Well done, Charles!"

"She gave in with surprising ease. I do not know whether to be pleased that she's obviously not so far gone as I had thought, or to fear that this is merely the calm before the storm."

"I suspect the latter."

"I rather thought you would. I suspect Darcy will as well."

"He is a clear-sighted man."

"Yes, but what do I do? I can tell her to behave properly, and even what I mean when I say that, but what do I do if she decides to defy me?"

"Well, Lady Matlock did suggest that she may be in need of a governess."

"A governess? She's almost twenty-one!"

"And yet she does not know how to behave," Hurst said quietly.

"Quite," his wife answered. "While you need not to to that extreme, if she behaves like a child then you should treat her as one. You are in control of her allowance. Perhaps you should keep an account and dock her a shilling for each infraction."

Hurst laughed. "A brilliant idea, my love, but what happens when she comes of age?"

Bingley had an answer for that. "If she dislikes living with me, and you will not have her, then she will have to set up her own establishment."

"Of course! How obvious a solution."

"And only four months away!"

"I think, brother, that you and I should visit a number of the shops in London and tell them that we will not be accepting her accounts. They must settle them with her."

"Oh dear, I suppose we must."

"Yes, Charles. We must. She always exceeds her allowance and leaves you to make up the rest. If you're going to be docking her allowance then you cannot allow her to spend freely."

"You are right, of course. This is going to be very uncomfortable."

"Yes, it is. But you must be firm, Bingley. We will support you and I do not doubt that Darcy will as well."

"Shall we send for her and explain how things will be in the future? I expect it's best to get it said as soon as possible so that she has time to adjust."

"Of course, Louisa. And some tea, I think."

The tea came well before their sister who swept into the room haughtily.

"What do you mean by sending for me like an errant servant, Charles? I was with Lady Matlock."

They explained the agreement they had come to. Only Bingley was surprised by the reaction. She screamed, she cried, she blamed, she threw things.

"Enough!" he bellowed eventually. "Throwing a temper tantrum like a badly behaved toddler only shows how far gone you truly are. Since you are clearly not fit for company you will return to your room and remain there until breakfast tomorrow. Use the time to reflect on your conduct. I expect to see an improvement tomorrow."

He asked Hurst to see that she reached her room and instruct the staff on her confinement. He was in need of rest.

The General had had a far more pleasing time over the past few days. He spent his time with his friends and family, and Elinor. She had his attention whenever she was near, frequently when she wasn't, and he had no patience for those who would seek to divert him. He had even less tolerance for Miss Bingley's need to be at the centre of attention than usual, restraining himself only when he saw a hint of censure in Elinor's eyes. He thought he was making himself appear ridiculous. His brother, father, and cousin agreed. Able to take their raillery no longer, he had decided that today was the day. He had not planned his campaign, but decided to take the first opportunity that presented itself. Luckily the ladies in his family fully agreed that it was high time he got on with it and had been engineering situations to get him alone with Elinor.

They finally succeeded and the General found himself unaccountably nervous. "Will you walk with me, Miss Dashwood?"

"Certainly, General. Is there a particular path you wish to take or shall we merely ramble about?"

"I think I should like to ramble, if you have no objections."

She did not, and they set out. They ambled through the rose garden until Elinor could take it no longer and directed them onto one of the river walks.

"You are uneasy, General."

"Am I?" he knew he was, but had thought he hid it better.

"You are. Something is clearly bothering you. I must assume that the point of this walk is for you to unburden yourself, and so I ask you to do so now. You will be much relieved when you have spoken what's on your mind, I am sure."

"Will I?"

"That is the usual way of things."

"I have no doubt that you are right. I find, however, that all my thought has been on what to say and now I find I do not know how to say it."

"I think you'll find plain English quite serviceable."

"I may, but will you?"

She smiled. "I always prefer clear, unambiguous language where possible."

"Very well then. As plainly as I can, I love you and wish to marry you."

She stopped dead and stared at him agape.

"Miss Dashwood?"

"I was not expecting that."

"No? I fear you're the only one."

"I don't know what to say."

"Might I suggest 'yes' as a place to start?"

"You may, but I cannot start there."


"No. I've known you for less than two months."

"You fear I'm too hasty."

"I do. For such a permanent step as marriage -- the rest of our lives! -- I would think a longer acquaintance necessary."


"Certainly. It is very easy to fall in love when you're much thrown together. You must be sure that the affection and esteem will not fade with either distance or time."

"I see. Well then, Miss Dashwood, will you allow me to court you?"

"Yes, I will."

"I am very pleased to hear it, I know not what I would have done had you said no."

"Perhaps I should change my mind so that you can discover your reaction?"

"Ah, no! If you do that I fear I shall have to compromise you at dinner and then write of it to all the gossips I know."

She laughed. "I shall hope you are not serious, but as I do not wish to change my answer, I'm afraid I shall have to learn to live with the uncertainty."

They walked in happy silence for a while. He finally broke it to tell her about Owlsbury Hall.

"How romantic of your great aunt! I must remember to tell Marianne, it will please her greatly."

"Does it please you?"

"Indeed it does. I cannot see any other way for us to marry, should it come to that."

"When it comes to that, my dear Elinor."

"You are very confident."

"I have every reason to be. If you did not care for me, you would have refused me."

"That is certainly true."

"You shall be in town for the season, and I shall ask you again then, and we will have proven that our love will last."

"I have no plans to be in town this winter."

"You do, you just don't know of them. Georgiana plans to invite both yourself and your sister to join her. You would not wish to disappoint her, would you?"

"Marianne would never forgive me if I did. I shall have to resign myself to seeing you sooner than I had hoped."

They walked along, grinning at each other, before a thought intruded on the General's good humour.

"What is the matter?"

"I shall have to go see your mother. By the time I return it will be time for you to leave Pemberley."

"That will not do, and Mama would not ask it of us. We can send a messenger, if you do not wish to wait and escort us back to Barton."

"I will certainly be escorting you home, but I do think your mother should be applied to beforehand. I'll speak to my father about sending one of his men."

They returned to the house very pleased with themselves and all the world. Marianne and Georgiana were disappointed that they were not engaged, but still delighted with the outcome.

Bingley wondered if he should risk speaking to Miss Bennet again, and asking to court her. He was unsure, but when he suggested such a thing to Darcy, he received a decided negative.

"You can't commit yourself to that while you're still dealing with your sister. Once that situation is under control and you are able to show that you're attending to her concerns, then you can revisit the subject."

Taking his friend's advice as gospel once again, he dwelt no more on it.

Much of the day was spent in planning the ladies' season in town. The Earl was sending a messenger to town the next day, and agreed that the man could make the trip to Devon, while the lawyers arranged the matters necessary for dealing with Lady Catherine. He was also to stop briefly in Meryton to deliver letters as it was on the way to London. They spent the time before dinner hurriedly writing letters for their family and friends.

Anne de Bourgh was an intelligent, observant woman. Had she not been so naturally, she would have had to develop the latter quality. There was little else she could do, after all. She was rather looking forward to finally taking her place as mistress of Rosings. She did wonder, though, if she could really do it. She tried not to think too hard on that. Darcy would help ensure her staff were honest and competent, and would certainly help her learn how to manage the estate properly. And Mrs Collins would always be there to help. He would be a burden, but she was sensible and a great favourite in the parish. She was also friends with Miss Elizabeth, which was a point in her favour.

Unlike her mother, Anne had seen quite clearly why Darcy had kept putting off his departure from Rosings at Easter. Having never wished to marry her serious cousin, Anne was quite happy to see him mooning over another lady. No, Cousin Richard suited her far better, though she thought someone more gentle, less boisterous would suit her. And now, she rather thought she'd found the man for her. She thought it wrong, but could not help feeling grateful to George Wickham. He was responsible for convincing the family to do something about her mother. It was thanks to him that she'd been dragged to Pemberley, that she'd met the man for her.

She was a very observant woman. She could see that he cared for another. She could also see, far more clearly than he himself could, that the woman he loved was attached to a different man. He would get over it and, with just a little luck, he would come to care for her. If nothing else, they could bond over their unfortunate relatives. She was not quite ready to speak to him directly, but Miss Bennet and Mrs Hurst would be good to start with. It was much easier for her to speak to the ladies, especially as they were all eager to help her gain accomplishments.

She doubted she would ever be truly skilled at any of the occupations, starting so late as she was, but she enjoyed doing them regardless. She'd decided to stick with sewing, drawing, and dancing for the forseeable future. She enjoyed music, but felt that it would be beyond her at this stage. She took great pleasure in being able to read what she wished openly, rather than hiding the really interesting tomes with a novel or poetry that her mother had deemed acceptable. The ladies were such a help to her that she sometimes found it quite difficult to rein in her emotions as she knew she should.

And that brought about her first conversation with Mr Bingley. He came upon her in a little used parlour.

"Miss de Bourgh? Whatever is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong."

"You will forgive me, but weeping generally indicates that there is something the matter."

"Nothing is wrong. Everything is right! You're all so kind to me, and think I can do things, and want to know what I think, and what I want. I'm just... I don't... It's a little overwhelming."

"Well, I'm pleased that these are happy tears. I'm afraid I don't understand though. Why should people being kind to you be the cause of so much joy?"

"It is very different from what I am used to."

"Ah," he nodded. "Darcy has occasionally mentioned your mother to me over the years. I had not realised your situation was so dire as to cause simple human kindness to have such an effect. I'm sure he did not either, or he would have taken steps to do something sooner."

"Oh no, he cannot have known, for I did not know it myself. You will not tell him, will you?"

"Not if you do not wish me to. It can be our secret."

"Thank you." She wanted to continue the conversation, to ask after his sister, but she knew not how. Mr Bingley, however, was a gregarious chap and chatted away quite happily about everything and nothing. By the time dinner came, he could not remember what all he had found to say to her, but he did remember that she was an intelligent listener who paid attention to both what he said and what he meant, an important point as those were not always the same thing. The other ladies were pleased to see that he was regaining his usual cheer.

Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

andreagayleNovember 08, 2015 01:44PM


KateBDecember 01, 2015 06:21PM

Re: More?

andreagayleDecember 01, 2015 06:45PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

LisetteNovember 15, 2015 04:05PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Janice HNovember 09, 2015 06:54PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

AnnaONovember 09, 2015 06:49PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

andreagayleNovember 09, 2015 06:54PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Jim D.November 09, 2015 12:35PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

andreagayleNovember 09, 2015 12:52PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

PeterNovember 09, 2015 03:46PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Jim D.November 09, 2015 11:53PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Michelle AnneNovember 10, 2015 01:11AM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Jim D.November 10, 2015 09:58AM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Teri-mcNovember 10, 2015 04:37PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Jim D.November 10, 2015 05:36PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

PeterNovember 10, 2015 10:08PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Jim D.November 10, 2015 11:39PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

JoanaNovember 12, 2015 09:37AM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

PeterNovember 11, 2015 10:08AM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Debra McNovember 08, 2015 09:13PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

RoxeyNovember 08, 2015 08:11PM

Re: Second Attachments -- Chapters 11-13

Lucy J.November 09, 2015 03:38AM


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