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A Novel Idea
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Does anyone know if there was such a story written that had Georgiana setting Mrs Bennet straight as to just how wonderful Wickham really is? I know there are stories where she gives Caroline a big set down, and even her aunt Catherine, and she has also had some frank conversations with Lydia, but what about her letting Mrs Bennet know in no uncertain terms just what Wickham really is. Has anyoneby Sandy C - Tea Room
All I could find was "has its origins in the female English title once used for all women" Didn't distinguish whether it was American English only. But I'm like you, Jane Austen used Miss and Mrs so even if it was used in England, it wasn't used by Jane Austen.by Sandy C - Tea Room
As you can see from the above that it fell out of this usage until the 20th century but I know that some writers still justify the use of it by simply looking at the original date of usage. They read no further to see that it fell out of favor and wasn't revived until later. If I had to take a guess, I wouldn't use it as such since I imagine it was out during the Regency era. But, that's my opinby Sandy C - Tea Room
"Ms." began to be used as early as the 17th century, along with "Miss" and "Mrs.", as a title derived from the then formal "Mistress", which, like Mister, did not originally indicate marital status. "Ms.", however, fell into disuse in favor of the other two titles and was not revived until the 20th century. The earliest known proposal for the modern revival of "Ms." as a title appeared in The Repby Sandy C - Tea Room
Time for a reread! Thanks Amy! Glad you found it. I didn't even have that one in mind at all.by Sandy C - Tea Room
Could be Amnesia & Alienation by Carmen M here at DWG http://www.dwiggie.com/derby/olde/carmen1.htmby Sandy C - Tea Room
The story is no longer on line. It has been published and is one of 3 stories in a book by J Dawn King. The book is One Love, Two Hearts, Three Stories. The story with that scene is Marriedby Sandy C - Tea Room
Sounds like a good story line. Hope you write it soon!by Sandy C - Tea Room
Yay! I forgot about this. Loved it when it was started and would also love to see it completed. I really do enjoy stories like this. Hope you are able to give us a full story before long. It is definitely worth continuing! Thanks!by Sandy C - Tea Room
I love Lucie's stories and her Lady Susan rules! Would love to see this one finished, too!by Sandy C - Tea Room
That's as far as I remember it going on the other site, too.by Sandy C - Tea Room
This story was posted by Lisa L on another site that is now gone but I don't think it was finished. That's the only place I ever saw it.by Sandy C - Tea Room
Hooray! I've been waiting for Book 3! Off to get it now!by Sandy C - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
And even when he found out about Lydia and the money that was paid to Wickham to marry her so his family wouldn't be disgraced he is still out nothing and seems to be rather pleased about it. “This is an evening of wonders, indeed! And so, Darcy did every thing; made up the match, gave the money, paid the fellow’s debts, and got him his commission! So much the better. It will save me a world of tby Sandy C - Tea Room
About Wickham I totally agree. I know that there are many who don't see Wickham as a really bad person but he was everything you said. I see no redeeming qualities in him at all. He is willing to lie and steal for his own personal gain. As for Mr Bennet, he has never been one of my favorite characters. He seemed to care nothing for his daughters, his wife, or his estate and those who relied on iby Sandy C - Tea Room
I'm hoping someone finishes it. I liked it too and keep checking to see if there is any more added. Too many good stories being abandoned.by Sandy C - Tea Room
The story that is posted here actually has the other sisters all more like Bingley and believe or not, they all have the names with the first initial 'C'. In case you're wondering about Louisa, you'll have to read the story to find out. BTW, there is no rich cousin, just 5 sisters.by Sandy C - Tea Room
There is a story here at DWG Called "The Other Bingleys". It has 3 additional Bingley sisters. If you haven't read it, you should. Good story. http://thedwg.com/derby/oldd/nicole1.htmby Sandy C - Tea Room
I always thought they were just another bit of gossip floating around like the 12 ladies and seven gentlemen.by Sandy C - Tea Room
I hadn't thought of that interpretation before but it makes sense.by Sandy C - Tea Room
When I read it I don't think it odd at all. It seems to be a common way of describing people in the book. Charlotte is'very plain', Mary is 'the only plain one in the family', Anne de Bourgh's features 'though not plain, were insignificant'. And the opposite is to describe someone as 'handsome'. It is all through the book that people are either described as plain or handsome so I never saw it asby Sandy C - Tea Room
After looking at the pictures, I had to laugh. I remember when platform shoes first came out and I managed to twist my ankles several times trying to walk in those things. Some of these pattens look even worse. I'm afraid as clumsy as I am, I'd have broken arms, legs or even a broken neck trying to walk in them.by Sandy C - Tea Room
Harvey S received permission from Sharni a long time ago to write his "Connections Redux". It is a great story and one of my favorites! http://www.dwiggie.com/derby/harveys1.htmby Sandy C - Tea Room
We each interpret JA in different ways and therefore we are destined to disagree based on those different interpretations.by Sandy C - Tea Room
“In marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere. He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman’s daughter; so far we are equal.” “True. You are a gentleman’s daughter. But who was your mother? Who are your uncles and aunts? Do not imagine me ignorant of their condition.” Even Lady Catherine acknowledged that Elizabeth was a gentleman's daughter. She was against her mother's fby Sandy C - Tea Room
It's "Better for Loving You" by Helen http://www.dwiggie.com/derby/helen1.htmby Sandy C - Tea Room
When I look at the book and how things played out from the time they entered the Meryton Assembly, the people discussing the worth of the men and Mrs Bennet pushing her daughters at the men and then Caroline's jealous behavior around Darcy...it wasn't a good picture. And to find out that this is behavior Darcy has been submitted to before in society, what is he supposed to think? Of course, he isnby Sandy C - Tea Room
Well, let's face it, telling the truth wasn't always Caroline's primary concern. But, I personally always thought Caroline was jealous and she attempted to distance her family's ties to trade by downgrading others. In that era, it took several generations for the stench of 'new money' to be erased and let's face it, the Bennet girls were a gentleman's daughters of several generations. Caroline crby Sandy C - Tea Room