DWG Board
A Novel Idea
JAFF Library
DNA: I'm sorry to say that chapters may take a while in coming for quite some time. Thank you for all your comments! Stay safe! XII. The Breakfast Room Where was Lydia? Elizabeth could not understand how she had not noticed this before. When she was at Longbourn, she had only seen two of her sisters - she had assumed, then, that Lydia was somewhere in the clutches of Mr Bingley, but she had neveby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
GAHHHH. I get why you ended it thusly, but it's soooo tantalising to think that there might be more Thank you very much for this very entertaining story!! It was great fun to read and I loved your spooky little town. Hope you post something new soon (Also thanks for the shout-out. :*)by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Well, she is the tallest, after allby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Very intriguing! I've never watched Once Upon A Time, so I have only very vague ideas of where this might be going, but I do want to find out moreby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Unfortunately, it is taking rather longer to write these chapter than I'd like it to be - at the moment, I can't say when I'll be able to post the next one. I hope Darcy's acute discomfort here makes up for the delay at least a little. XI. Mayfair in the Morning Fitzwilliam Darcy normally enjoyed the deep, dreamless, restful sleep of a man who knows that he has no reason to berate himself. Thereby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
What they all said, we need to know more! This is great Lovely to see you post a story!by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Even if I wasn't allowed to leave the house, there is a myriad of things I'd rather do on my balcony before I'd start playing bingo. But the people in the video looked like they were enjoying themselves! I always wonder if there is some point about bingo I just don't get, which, if I got it, would make the game fascinating?by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
We do masks now. They're compulsory in public transport, any sort of shop and most public buildings, plus of course any place that asks you to don them. I think there have been varying reports on how effective they are, from them being the be-all and end-all to pandemic protection, to no effect whatsoever, but my reasoning is, they do little harm, once you're used to them (save for people who mayby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Thank you very much, what a lovely comment Really made my day!by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
I have finally been able to make some progress on Chapter 11 and tentatively finish it, so I thought it only fair to post this now. I do think I shall need at least a week between chapter postings in the foreseeable future, but if I do manage to build up a buffer, they may come quicker. Stay safe, everyone! #stayathome X. The Mind of A Lady A lady, when she marries, invariably becomes part of hby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Oh, good, you're continuing Can I ask for a bit where Mrs Bennet just DOES. NOT. get that the mask protects others from you, not the other way around (at least in the case of homemade standard facemasks)? The number of conversations I've had about that particular topic ...by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Ok, I understand the game now, but not the appealby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Well I *do* hope you'll find the time to continue this. It's been too long since we all waited anxiously for more Lise updates on this board What is balcony bingo?by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
DNA: I'm very sorry about the longer-than-planned delay in posting. I've almost used up my buffer of stuff previously written, and even though most of this story is free association, and doesn't really follow any planning, I've still struggled with getting more written. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and that I can post Chapter Ten soon-ish. Thank you every one for your kind comments! Chapter IXby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
I’m sorry it’s been a bit of a wait ... chapter nine is done, but there are a few bits I may need to tweak, and the muse and I are having a few creative differences over chapter eleven right now. I hope I can post soon!! Thank you everyone for your continued interest!by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
DNA:I've finally finished Chapter 10. That's good news because I had been struggling to find an ending I liked for ages, but it also means that I'm now past the point where I had a detailled idea of where this story is going. There is a broad outline, but nothing more. So, this is not normally how I approach a story, but seeing as this is just everyone's favourite crack, if you have any wishes forby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
VII. The Carriage Once More It was against all procedure, and it irked Mr Darcy that this appeared to be a problem only to him. It was not that he minded, per se, to circumvent the rules like this, but he would have liked some acknowledgement of their bending the law by his companion, who instead was dozing the light sleep of the ever-watchful chaperone while the rented horses pulled the carriageby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
VI. Netherfield If Elizabeth had not known what to expect when she approached Longbourn, this was nothing to how she felt when she and Mr Darcy walked up the front stairs to Netherfield. How would she face Lydia? What could she say to her sister – and how could she know if what Mr Darcy had suggested had happened was actually true? She had only Mr Darcy’s word as to Mr Bingley’s character, and shby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
DNA: Thank you everyone, for reading & commenting! I hope you continue to enjoy! Stay safe! #stayathome V. Meryton Mr Darcy was a man who liked to move in charted territories. It was not that he did not feel himself incapable of dealing with the new and spontaneous. He was rather proud, in fact, of his mental abilities that allowed him to analyse and assess even the most outlandish situationby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
IV. Longbourn She found the place in chaos. Nobody was there to open the door for her, but fortunately, it was not locked. She stepped into the familiar hall and stood very still, hoping she would hear something that would indicate where everyone was. At first, there was nothing. No clanking of plates, no talking, no rustling, nothing that spoke of human presence. Then, however, she thought thatby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
... and there I was thinking I still could post to the DWG in my sleep. *headdesk* Chapter title is: III. The Carriage.by Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
DNA: I plan on posting a new chapter every 3-4 days, until I run out of material. I've a buffer of about 9 chapters, I hope I write quicker than I can use that up. We'll see. Keep safe, everyone! #stayathome ‘Where are we going?’ Elizabeth asked again, hoping that this time, she would have put the question in such a way as to make Mr Darcy answer. It was a while before Mr Darcy finally answeredby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
This story has been online for years, and I never intended to add to it. Some people have asked about a sequel, but I've always been reticent about that. I have been writing on one, though, for years, one and off. It wasn't meant to be published, because frankly, it's silly and doesn't make much sense (and also hasn't been proof-read by anyone but me). However, I figured, quite a few of you may beby Mari A. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Whee!! We‘re live undead!!!by Mari A. - Tea Room
Yes and I often miss and accidentally log myself out. D'oh!by Mari A. - Tea Room
I would be the last person to favour a proscriptive over a descriptive approach to grammar, but since you know what it is when blocks of text are hard to read, can I ask you for a small favour? Could you perhaps start using the indicative instead of the subjunctive in the simple present? It makes your posts so hard to read and there are so many of us for whom English is just a second or third tongby Mari A. - Tea Room
Thank you for the tip! I couldn't get it to open on GoodReads, not sure if it's because I have no account, or because I didn't log in from the US, or just wasn't very adept at it, but it made me remember to check if amazon has a preview, which they had. (Can't believe I forgot about that before!) I checked it and I liked it and so I decided to give it a go and ordered the book. It hasn't arrivedby Mari A. - Tea Room
But my shelf space is severely limited! I still have to make room for most of the books I bought last year ... Unless I perhaps put some shelves in a closet ... Hmm .... Idea ....by Mari A. - Tea Room
(I would have posted this thread in the Library board, but I wasn't sure anyone ever ventured there anymore - though I'd love it if we could get some action there again) After very, very, VERRRRY much prompting from several people, I finally gave the Connie Willis Oxford Time Travel books a go last year, and loved, loved, loved them. (They told me that. Years ago. I should have known.) Now, I haby Mari A. - Tea Room