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Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

February 10, 2023 01:47PM
Chapter 9

Darcy ran ahead of the others to reach her side. Richard and Bingley looked at each other at this breach of propriety, as they hurried towards her. Richard knew there would be some rumours swirling around Derbyshire before the day was out.

Richard and Bingley approached and, even though they knew what would be wrong, they were still shocked. Her skirt was ripped at the thigh, and blood had soaked the entire left side of the skirt. There was a gash on her head and blood streaked across her forehead and places on her faces where she hadn’t washed it away. She’d fashioned a sling around her left arm from what was once a nice shawl, but was now covered in dirt and blood stains. Dirt and blood stains covered the rest of her clothes and there were scratches over her exposed arms. Underneath the dirt, her skin was deadly white.

With his breath held, Bingley asked “is she alive?”

Darcy touched her cheek. “She’s alive! Can someone call for the doctor to be ready?” There was the shallowest rise and fall of her chest.

Darcy, with great care, scooped her up from the right side to avoid damaging her left side wounds any further.

Her eyes flickered open and she looked at Mr Darcy with confusion. “Mr Darcy? I must be hallucinating,” and then her head fell back and her eyes rolled back.

“Don't worry Elizabeth, we'll get you to safety. Don't give up now,” he whispered in her ear.

One of the men casually remarked. “She nearly made it out on her own. The road is barely half a mile from here.” And so it was, whilst the others cleared a path for Darcy, Darcy carried Elizabeth, who felt disturbingly light, to the road and to a waiting wagon.

Darcy, Richard and Bingley rode with her back to Matlock, where a room at the Earl’s house was readied for the doctor to tend to her. Sir Riley and his men were also waiting. Darcy, not allowing any other to carry her, carried her to the bed. Elizabeth stirred again, her eyes briefly opening.
“Get her some water,” commanded the doctor.

Darcy helped her to sit up, supporting her back whilst a maid came and they helped her to take a sip of water. Elizabeth’s eyes closed again and she lay back.

The men were then shooed out of the room so the doctor could complete his inspection.
“I think I've done all I can here,” stated Richard. “She's in the hands of the doctor, and my father commanded me to help find these highwaymen. I'm going to see the Sheriff to see how I can help.”

A thought occurred to Darcy. He asked a passing maid. “Do you know if Miss Bennet’s uncle has been informed of her recovery?”

“Um, I'm sorry sir, I'm not sure. He’s been left to rest.”

“Can you see if he’s up for a brief visit and we can provide him an update?” asked Darcy.

The maid curtseyed and made the enquiry, quickly returning to affirm that the gentleman would indeed see them.

Mr Darcy, bracing himself for a male version of Mrs Bennet, instead found a sickly looking man in his early forties, lying in a bed. A bandage was wrapped around his head, and there were bruises over every exposed surface. His wrist was strapped up. “Excuse me if I don't rise to greet you, but that is beyond my current capabilities. I hear you have word on my niece? I heard she has been found? What news do you have of her?”

“Mr Gardiner, let me introduce ourselves. I'm Mr Darcy and this is my friend Mr Bingley.”

Mr Gardiner appeared to consider this and replied slowly. “My apologies, I know those names are familiar to me, however, I'm not at my best. I think my niece’s may have mentioned your names.“

“Yes,” replied Mr Bingley, “we are friends of your niece’s. We met them in Hertfordshire last year.”

“We were coming here to Matlock, when we heard about what happened. My cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam led the search for your niece and we joined to assist him. We have found Miss Elizabeth. She is with the doctor now. I imagine once he is done with her, he will provide you a report.”

“How badly injured is she?” asked Mr Gardiner.

Darcy related their search for Lizzy and the injuries as far as they understood them and her condition.

Mr Gardiner made a small effort at smiling. “That's our Lizzy.”

“We can see that this has taxed you, but we thought you would like to know what has occurred. Everyone has the greatest respect for your niece. We’ll leave you to rest, but we thought this update may ease your mind.”

“I thank you, sirs.”

Darcy and Bingley bowed and departed, meeting Richard in the hall way. “I thought you were joining the search party for the thieves?” asked Bingley.

“I thought so too until I met my parents. They particularly want to talk to you, Darcy, regarding your degree of familiarity with the lady,“ said Richard, giving Darcy a penetrative look.

At that moment, the doctor came out of Elizabeth’s room. “Has my apothecary arrived?”

The men looked at each other. Richard answered. ”Not yet.”

“Of course he’s not here, never is here for any unpleasant work,” muttered the doctor. “I need the help of all three of you gentlemen.”

“Of course,“ answered Darcy for all three. “What do you need us to do?”

“I need you to hold her down whilst I remove the stick out of her leg,” the men looked at each other with doubt, which the doctor saw. “Don't get squeamish on me. The maid already refused and personally I wouldn't trust her to do it. Usually I’d have my wife and the mid-wife help with this sort of emergency, but they are busy attending a birth. If you don't hold her down as I remove it and she jerks, as naturally people do as sticks are pulled out of their leg, I may very well push the stick further in, doing more damage. And then I'll be asking you gentlemen to hold her down as I saw off her leg.”

Without further ado, the three men entered the room without further complaint. All, especially Darcy, were shocked at what awaited them.

Elizabeth lay unconscious on the bed. Her dress had been removed and she was only in her petticoat and other undergarments. The dirty and ruined dress she had been found in was discarded in a corner. Her petticoat had been pulled up on the left to reveal the full extent of the gash. The wound had been cleaned and the end of a stick could clearly be seen jutting out of her leg. Her skin was as white as a sheet.

“I need one man holding down each leg, and one holding her across the shoulders and pinning her arms. When I pull the stick out, as it has clipped an artery, blood will gush out. I will cauterize the wound with the hot iron, then sew the wound up.” He indicated to the maid. “Be sure to let the apothecary in when he arrives. And be at the ready here with towels to wipe up the blood. I need to be able to see what I'm doing.” The maid nodded though she looked nearly as white as Elizabeth at the thought.

Bingley and Richard each took a leg, whilst Darcy got in behind her to hold her down firmly across the shoulders.

“Do we need to worry about her jerking? She’s unconscious,” asked Bingley.

“If she doesn't wake up whilst I do this, you don't need to worry about her waking up again and can organise her grave.”

Darcy swallowed uncomfortably. The doctor handed him a stick. “When she wakes up, put this in her mouth to bite into.”

“Are we ready?” asked the doctor. He then pulled out a bottle of gin, pouring some over the wound before taking a swig from the bottle. Darcy and Bingley looked askance at the doctor, whilst Richard was unmoved. The doctor then held the bottle out to them. “To steady the nerves?”

All three shook their heads. The doctor shrugged, firmly took hold of the stick, and slowly and carefully started pulling out the stick. Elizabeth writhed but did not wake, moving her head from side to side. There was a final rough pull of the stick.

Elizabeth’s eyes shot open and she jerked. Bingley was caught by surprise and released her right leg. Fortunately, Richard was holding her left leg and did not miss a beat.

“Elizabeth, you’re with the doctor,” said Darcy as calmly as possible. She looked up and saw him. “The doctor is trying to heal your leg. It is going to be very painful. Do you understand?”

Elizabeth nodded. “He’s going to cauterize the wound. You'll want to bite down on this.” Darcy presented the stick and she closed her mouth over it.

Blood was gushing out from where the stick had been, and a green-looking maid tried to soak up the blood with a towel and clean it as the doctor grabbed his heated metal rod. “Stand back,” said he before putting a hand firmly on Lizzy’s leg and jamming the rod in.

The smell of burning flesh filled the room. Lizzy strained, the whites of her eyes almost glowing as she bit down hard on the stick in her mouth.

The maid, clutching at her mouth, ran out the room, just as another man in his late forties, bald head and puffing, entered. “Nice of you to join us, Mr Mortimer,” said the doctor.

Mr Mortimer put down his bag. “You know I have to prepare the salves. I came as fast as I could walk here after I got the message. I don't have a horse like you."

The doctor returned to work. “Miss Elizabeth, it is very good to see you awake. The very worst is over, but I do still need to stitch the wound closed, and that will not be comfortable. You may like to continue to bite down on the stick in your mouth.”

Lizzy nodded,as the doctor prepared the needle and thread to sew the wound closed.
“Now Colonel, you must have seen your fair share of amputations in the army.”

“Yes, and for every one, I wish I hadn't,” answered the Colonel, still keeping a firm hold on Lizzy’s left leg.

Lizzy spat out the stick. Weakly she asked, “how is my Uncle? Is he alive? And is it true my Aunt has died?”

The doctor answered. “Yes, your Uncle lives but is badly wounded. Broken shoulder, wrist and ribs. Provided he doesn't develop pneumonia or some other lung infection, he should live. Your Aunt,” here the doctor paused. “She died instantly in the crash. I'm sorry.”

Lizzy nodded, a tear in her eye. She indicated to the stick, which Darcy retrieved and placed back in her mouth as the doctor started to sew the wound closed.
Richard was the one to speak next. “Miss Elizabeth, your deed’s in eluding these highwaymen and doing so injured, are spreading far and wide. My parents have offered you and your Uncle any assistance that you require, and accommodation here at their house for as long as you need.”

“You won't be leaving here any time soon. I don't want these stitches coming undone,” said the doctor finishing the last stitch.

Lizzy spat out the stick. “Colonel, please offer my thanks to your parents for their kind offer,” said Lizzy weakly. “Doctor, I have the worst headache I've ever had.”

“That's from the blood loss. It will take some time for you to replenish the blood. You'll know you’re recovering when you can stand up without feeling faint and the headaches are gone.” The doctor stepped away, and Mr Mortimer came in and slathered an ointment over the top of the stitches. “We've stopped the bleeding but that doesn't mean your leg is safe. Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be coming to inspect this leg every day to ensure there are no signs of infection. You know what I'll be forced to do, don't you?"

“Yes doctor, you'll need to remove it.”

“The arm will be in a cast for six weeks. I think between you and your uncle, you are here for the next three to four weeks before you can complete your recovery at home, but this depends how well you both recover. You need to eat, drink plenty of water and the teas that Mr Mortimer will provide, and sleep. Mostly sleep.”

“I’d like to see my Uncle,” said Lizzy.

“You are not moving from this room for the next few days. Using the chamber pot will be the most strenuous thing you will do,” commanded the doctor forcefully.

“Miss Elizabeth, I can carry any messages you'd like between yourself and your uncle,” said Mr Darcy, finally stepping back from Lizzy as there was no need to restrain her. “Is there anything you'd like me to pass on now?”
Elizabeth thought for a moment. “Please tell him...I wish there was something I could have done for Aunt Madelein. Tell him I'll recover and I'll come and see him as soon as I can.“

“You can tell him she'll be resting and following doctors orders,” said the doctor. “Thankyou gentlemen, your service is done. Mr Mortimer can help me set the young lady’s arm. I'll be in to see Mr Gardiner after I've finished with the arm and talked further with Miss Elizabeth. If there's any of the Sheriff’s men out there, tell them to go away. She won't be ready to talk to them until I say she is.”

They were all shooed out the door. Richard turned. “I've done all here that I can, plus some extra. I'm now going to fulfil my father’s instructions, and I'm going to the Sheriff to help the search for the highwaymen. Will either of you join me?”

“I'll join you, Colonel. There's little reason for me to remain here,” said Bingley.

Darcy looked uncertain. “I'll remain to see what assistance I can offer.”

Richard and Bingley left. Darcy re-entered Mr Gardiner’s room to provide an update and deliver Lizzy’s message. “Would you like me to send an express to Longbourn?”

At that moment the doctor came in and delivered his precise update on Elizabeth. Darcy excused himself to fetch writing materials to write the message for the express.

“She has a broken arm that appears to have taken the full impact of the accident. I've set that in plaster and it will remain in plaster for the next six weeks minimum, but I would prefer it to remain for a full two months. She suffered a wound to her leg that had a stick embedded in it. She luckily did not try and remove it herself, else she probably would have died from blood loss. I've cleaned and cauterized the wound and stitched it. It is still at risk of infection, so I will watch it closely for the next two weeks. She has lost a large quantity of blood that will result in headaches and feeling faint until her body recuperates. She will be confined to her bed for the next week, though I doubt she will have any desire to do anything other than sleep. I’ve prescribed some tonics to help her recover and build up her strength. I don't recommend that she travels for at least three weeks.”

The doctor then proceeded to examine Mr Gardiner and to answer his questions. As the doctor left, Darcy returned to transcribe the message from Mr Gardiner to be sent by express.

Even though Mr Gardiner was feeling incredibly ill and facing the absolute darkest days of his life, he still impressed Darcy with his evident intelligence and sense, in complete contrast to Mrs Bennet. Mr Darcy left him to rest and knocked softly on the door of Lizzy’s room.

The maid came out and Darcy asked whether Miss Elizabeth had anything she would like included in the express to Longbourn. The maid closed the door to open it a few minutes later.

Elizabeth sat up in the bed, propped up with pillows and wrapped in blankets. A little bit of colour had returned to her face, but she was still very white. Next to the bed was a table with a tray of soup with a half eaten bread roll.

“How are you feeling, Miss Elizabeth?”

“Cold, hungry and with the worst headache I've ever had. Is it odd to say that having a stick pulled out of my leg and having my flesh burnt felt good in the sense that I stopped thinking about how much my head ached for that sort period of time?”

“Only a little odd,” said Mr Darcy.

“I'm still not certain that I'm not hallucinating. Of all the people that I thought I would run into on my trip, and to find me in the forest, I would not have thought it would be you, Mr Bingley and Colonel Fitzwilliam. You'll need to give me a good reason as to why you are here, else I will think that I am lying in the forest, hallucinating.”

“If it will ease your mind. My cousin Victoria was accosted by the same highwaymen that attacked you, and she in turn miscarried her child. My uncle commanded Richard to return to hunt these scoundrels down, and Richard commanded me to join him.”

“Mr Bingley?” asked Elizabeth.

“Came along to get away from his sisters. We were meant to travel within the week to Pemberley, however these highwaymen on the road are making the ride too unsafe. Richard has downright forbid Georgie from returning to Pemberley until the men are caught.”

“You found me, didn't you? I thought I had a dream of you carrying me out of the forest. You called out to me.”

“When we arrived, we heard that you were injured in the forest, so we joined the search party. In truth, you can credit Richard for finding you as he led the search party and he predicted with fair accuracy where you would be found.”

Lizzy nodded. “I’m ready to accede that this is not a dream then.”

“Miss Elizabeth, is there any message you'd like to send home in this express? I believe your father is on the way here.”

Elizabeth thought. “I do not wish to worry them unduly, yet I guess you've already related the extent of my injuries?”

“Yes, Miss Elizabeth,” replied Darcy.

“How much of the story of my discovery have you related? Did you find the letters I left in your search?”

“We picked up two letters. And do not worry. I've not related anything about the letters you wrote, only the length you walked and your current condition.”

A look of relief crossed Lizzy’s face. “Good. Please write the following from me. ‘I am in the good hands of the doctor and do not fear, I am following his advice on rest to the letter. Please give my love to everyone and give my cousins hugs from me and tell them how very sorry I am for their loss.’"

Darcy wrote this,and rose. “As Richard said, his parents are keen to see to your comfort. I believe they are organising mourning clothes for you to wear. I will stay until your father arrives. If there is anything you need at all, just ask the maid to fetch me and I will see to it. I'll leave you to finish your lunch.“ He turned to leave.

Lizzy tried a weak smile. “Mr Darcy, wait. I'm sorry for the words I spoke to you in Hunsford, especially regarding Mr Wickham. I misjudged you.”

Mr Darcy raised his hand. “My behaviour also was not what it should have been and I regret it. However, now is not the time for this. Let us speak of this when you are recovered. You need to eat and rest.”

“Yes, and thank you, Mr Darcy.”

Mr Darcy closed the door behind him and Lizzy slumped back against the pillows.

Chapter 10

Richard and Bingley rode South to Sir Riley’s estate at Cromford to meet a group of men mounting their horses. Richard asked what was happening. “They've found where these thieves slept last night. We're going to the camp-site now to see if we can follow the trail,” said one of the sheriff’s men.

Richard and Bingley rode with the group to the camp-site, deep within the forest. Other men were already there. “Report,” commanded Sir Riley to his men.

“It looks like they left at first light this morning. There's manure that's about eight hours old. They've left no other clues behind. They headed West this morning.”

“Let’s follow the trail.”

They all followed the trackers. After an hour, they emerged out the other side of the forest onto a road, with farmland on the other side. “Which way did they travel? Did they continue to travel together, or did they split up?” asked Sir Riley.

The trackers studied the road. “We really can't tell. There's been too much other traffic and it's obscured their tracks.”

A map was opened and spread out, which Sir Riley, Richard and others studied. “I doubt they travelled North from here, else they would be too likely to come upon our search parties.”

“Unless they split up,” said Richard.

Sir Riley looked at the map, studying the roads. “Most likely they headed South towards Belper. They could have travelled further west to Wirksworth.” Sir Riley turned to his men. “We need to split up and question locals whether they saw a group of men travelling their way.”

Instructions were given and the group split up. Richard and Bingley were sent south along the road to check along the edge of the forest to ensure the thieves had not re-entered the forest to hide again in anonymity.

As they rode along, checking the road sides, Bingley spoke up. “Do you think there's any chance at all they went back into the forest?”

“Not a chance. My bet is they've split up and are travelling different routes to Sherwood, probably meeting in Nottingham or Derby. We've been sent to do this to stay out of Sir Riley’s way.”

“Keeping us busy.” They continued riding and checking the verges of the road. “How well did you know Miss Elizabeth?” asked Bingley.

“We spent many weeks together at Rosings. Usually, Rosings is rather dull, so she and her party were a welcome diversion. She asked after you,” said Richard. Mr Bingley brightened at that. Richard would dig out the truth. “I told her you'd recently been separated from an unsuitable match.”

Bingley’s face went red. “How did she respond to that.”

“She suddenly developed a headache and begged to return home, claiming she walked too far. I guess I know now how very far she can walk before really developing a headache.” Bingley’s face continued to get redder. “The woman you'd fallen in love with was Miss Elizabeth’s sister, wasn't it?”

“Yes, and I still do love her.”

“What's she like? Does she look like Miss Elizabeth?”

“She's an angel. She's fair where Miss Elizabeth is dark. She looks like Aphrodite herself.”

“Why in God’s name would you then listen to my stone-faced cousin? Yes, he knows how to manage an estate, but he knows absolutely nothing about women. He didn't even realise that Miss Elizabeth didn't even like him!”

Bingley shook his head ruefully. “I realise that now. How different might things have been! How long do you think we will be here in Derbyshire, trying to find these thieves?”

“Who knows what hole they've gone to hide in? I think they have too much of a head start and we don't know enough about them beyond what my sister and Miss Elizabeth have given as evidence.”

“I've asked my housekeeper to open up Netherfield. I'll be returning there in a week.” They continued down the road in their futile task. “What was Darcy like at Rosings? I was surprised by his reaction to Miss Elizabeth here. I hadn't realised how far his feelings had developed for her.”

“It was quite evident, wasn't it? I've never seen Darcy allow himself to show any overt interest in any woman, but I knew his interest was seriously engaged at Rosings. His eyes couldn't help following her around the room. It gave me great amusement. But then we left and he's been in a foul mood ever since. Also been drinking more than his usual want.”

“I once found him asleep in his study with an empty drink next to him after his return.”

“He must have found out she didn't think much of him,” replied Richard. “So as you see, take no love advice from him.”

Meanwhile, after Darcy had sent the express, he started heading towards Cromford and Sir Riley’s home to be told by one of the men returning with a missive to Matlock, that the entire party had left Cromford to search the woods. Without knowing where the search currently was, he returned to Matlock and went to see his Aunt.

The staff helped him change and refresh. He was then shown into his Aunt’s parlour.

Lady Eleanor greeted him with a hug, then poured some tea for him. “You must tell me everything you know about Miss Elizabeth. She sounds quite remarkable. The rumour is she walked twenty miles with a broken leg?” said the Countess, an eyebrow raised.

Darcy laughed. ”Now that truly would be remarkable. No, about nine miles over two days with a broken arm and a leg wound that came close to clipping an artery.”

“You met her when you travelled to Hertfordshire?” asked Lady Eleanor.

“Yes, her father owns one of the largest estates in the region. Only Bingley’s estate was larger.”

“What is her family like?”

Darcy realised the unblinking and unnerving stare from his Aunt meant that he was in the midst of her famous interrogations. He’d seen his aunt make other girls cry and had forced numerous confessions from Richard. Darcy swallowed. “She is one of five sisters, no brothers. The estate is entailed on a cousin.”

“How unfortunate,” replied Lady Eleanor, stirring her tea before daintily taking a sip. She continued to stare at Darcy over the rim. “What is Miss Elizabeth like?”

“Intelligent, strong, not easily intimidated, but I suppose you've already gathered that.”

“Yes, the message she wrote with the intelligence on the highwaymen’s intended destination certainly indicates she can keep her head in difficult circumstances. What else, Fitzwilliam?”

Ohhh, she’d used Fitzwilliam rather than William. She was not going to go easy on him until he'd spilled everything. His eyes instinctively looked for the door, but he knew there was no escape. “She’s kind, very caring and protective of her family, especially her eldest sister, with whom she has the deepest bond. She is polite and easy in company. She plays and sings, though not with the dedication of Georgiana, but it is pleasant to the entertainment of others. Is there anything else, Aunt Eleanor?”

“I heard that you called out to her informally, as well as carried her out from the forest. There’s a rumour already circulating that you have a secret agreement with the lady? That the two of you had conspired to meet in Derbyshire. I, of course, dismissed such rumours as idle gossip of people with over-active imaginations. Not that the rumour is bad for you, and considering your age and unmarried status, well, ....it would be best for you to settle down soon.”

There was the stare again as she calmly sipped her tea. Darcy gulped. “She is someone I know and respect. I was worried when I saw her lying on the ground. My instinct at the time was to assist her and to ascertain whether she was still alive.”

“Respect. That is a word I don't often hear you say about many single ladies beyond Georgiana.”

There was silence as Darcy squirmed in his seat. They both sipped their tea. Eventually Lady Eleanor was the one to break it. “How far did your respect go? To marriage? I'm certain the stories will die down, but if they don't, her father may demand it if her reputation is ruined as a result.”

“I would marry her, if she’d have me.”

Lady Eleanor paused with her tea. “Why would she not have you, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley?”

Mr Darcy swallowed. In a low voice, whilst staring at his own tea, he said. “I already proposed at Rosings, and was rejected.”

Lady Eleanor put down her tea at that. “I know.”

“What? How?” spluttered Darcy.

Lady Eleanor reached for something she left on the table. “The Sheriff went through Miss Bennet’s bags after the accident to try to discover some information on her identity, and he found this.” Lady Eleanor passed a letter over to Darcy.

He took it and recognised his handwriting immediately. He swallowed as he recalled the sensitive information he’d disclosed in it. “Who else has read it?”

“Only Sir Riley, and he said only so far as to ascertain her name. But he did say that he saw your name on the bottom, hence he brought it here to me for safe keeping.”

“Have you read it?”

“Yes, I had to know if the rumours were true. Is she a simpleton for rejecting you?”

“I was the simpleton. Her rejection showed her integrity. I insulted her family in my proposal. I'd been rude and condescending in company. My worst fault was separating her sister from her suitor. That, from her point of view, was unforgivable of me.”

“Well, at least we know she is no fortune hunter. And you still wish to marry her?”


“I could have some rumours spread around that would force her father to insist upon an engagement,” said Lady Eleanor.

Darcy looked aghast at the very thought. “I don't wish to marry her against her will. I don't wish to have an unhappy wife. I can't believe you would suggest such a thing.”

“Good, I’m glad that was your response. I've seen too many unhappy young girls forced into marriages arranged by their elders. However much they understand the advantages, it still does not make them happy. So you mean to change her mind.” The last was a statement, not a question.

Darcy paused as even he had not thought it through yet. Elizabeth had only come back into his life a few hours earlier and his mind had not processed it fully. “Yes, I mean to win her regard.”

“Good, we have that settled.”

Darcy looked at his Aunt. “Would you be happy with the match? She’s not one of the Ton, she has no dowry or connections.”

“William, dear boy. You've been single too long and there has been no single lady of the Ton that has caught your eye. Do not be a fool and think that any new young debutante will be interesting to you when others haven't. The older you get, the younger they seem and the greater a distance you'll feel when you try to talk with them. If she comes from a respectable family then that is enough. From what I've heard she seems a tough and resilient sort of girl which will stand her in good stead with the Ton. I'm just glad it wasn't that Caroline Bingley woman who has been following you around for the last few years.”

After a moment, she continued. “You are very much like your father. There was no one else for him after your mother died, even though we told him he should find a new mother for Georgie. I know well enough that if this Miss Elizabeth is your chosen one, there will be no one else for you...at least not for a long time.”

Mr Darcy finished his tea, another victim of the Countess’ interrogation, though he did feel a burden lifted by being able to confess all. She ended their tete-a-tete with “see to it that letter is destroyed, William. It contains too much damaging information in it.”

Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

Anne VFebruary 10, 2023 01:47PM

Re: Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

JoanSeptember 04, 2023 10:30PM

Re: Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

EvelynJeanFebruary 11, 2023 05:00AM

Re: Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

LisaYFebruary 11, 2023 03:57AM

Re: Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

Anne VFebruary 11, 2023 05:47AM

Re: Action Lizzy and the Four Thieves Chapters 9-10

Maria VFebruary 11, 2023 03:31PM


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