Amy I. Wrote:
We are currently leaving the size of signature images to people's best judgment. However, consideration should always be given to the length of time larger images may require in order to load properly. This may be of concern especially to those who have dial-up or weak wireless signals. So, ideally, I would suggest that images in signatures be no larger than 100 x 100 pixels.
And of course, for those who dislike signatures altogether, there is always the option of turning them off in the Control Center.
Okay then. Thank you.
I've started off with an 100x100 image (i made) of Sir Walter to go with the quote. Had in mind an Austenesque banner of about 500x100 or 600x200, but then I'd rather know that I wouldn't be annoying people with it before going and using it.
Vanity was the beginning and the end of Sir Walter Elliot's character; vanity of person and of situation.