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JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

October 05, 2020 02:11PM
Since a topic hasn’t been posted yet, how about we go generic and use illnesses.

You could write about a pandemic sweeping through regency England. You could perhaps write about dating or courting during a pandemic. Did a virulent strain of strep throat travel through Meryton and, without antibiotics, Mrs. Bennet lost her voice (I don’t know if that’s possible, but hey it’s fanfiction). Wickham could easily die of some nasty bug he picked up. People who are feeling poorly frequently say things that are not wise, perhaps Jane or Mary are fighting an illness and get so frustrated that they act out of character and tell their family some hard truths. What conversations happened between Jane, Elizabeth, and the Bingley sisters when Jane was ill at Netherfield?

Stories are typically one-shots and should be posted on or around October 31st.

Please feel free to use any of the suggestions above. If you do not feel comfortable writing a short story but still have ideas, put them here. Maybe your idea will inspire a short story in someone else.

JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

LizzySOctober 05, 2020 02:11PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

MichelleRWOctober 27, 2020 07:10PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

LizzySOctober 27, 2020 07:20PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

MichelleRWOctober 31, 2020 08:25PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

NN SOctober 23, 2020 04:48PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

NN SOctober 23, 2020 04:48PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

NN SOctober 23, 2020 04:48PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

LizzySOctober 23, 2020 05:08PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

NN SOctober 23, 2020 06:03PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

NN SOctober 19, 2020 06:24PM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

KarenteaOctober 06, 2020 02:12AM

Re: JaOctGoHoNo 2020 Topic

LizzySOctober 06, 2020 02:19AM


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